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Beyond Von-Neumann computing

To take advantage of AI technology, hardware engineers are looking to build computers that go beyond the constraints of von Neumann design. This would be a big step forward. For decades, advances in computing have been driven by scaling down the size of the components, guided by Gordon Moore’s prediction that the number of transistors on a chip roughly doubles every two years — which generally meant that processing power did the same.


Modern computers bear little resemblance to early machines that used punch cards to store information and mechanical relays to perform calculations. Integrated circuits now contain transistors so small that more than 100 million of them would fit on the head of a pin. Yet the fundamental design of separate memory and processing remains, and that places a limit on what can be achieved. To overcome the limitation of traditional Von-Neumann architecture, we are interested in developing the devices that can overcome limitation of traditional Von Neumann architecture.


Tandem & Quantum dot devices

Tandem and Quantum dot devices are the promising technologies to overcome thermodynamic efficiency limitation of conventional devices. In particular, perovskite-based tandem devices with record-high efficiencies are considered as a promising next-generation photovoltaic technology for reduced levelized cost of electricity. We are working closely with industrial companies to develop core technologies to commercialize perovskite-based tandem devices.


Flexible/stretchable devices

The electronic devices are becoming ubiqutous in our life in the form of wearable and IoT (internet of things) devices for various applications such as diagnosis, therapy, entertainment, and information devices. Accordingly, a demand for light and flexible/stretchable devices are gradually increasing as a platform to achieve these applications. We interested in development of stretchable/flexible electronic materials and devices. These devices can be potentially integrated into wearable devices or e-skin for health care and robots with artificial intelligence (AI).


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